Support Portal

Execute a XML script in a task

The script is executed in a task on the task server. The script is upload as ZIP file or XML file in GeolinQ to the task and the script is executed in a task on a tenant. The task will fork when the script switches to a child tenant to ensure that all tenant specific operations are executed in task belonging to the appropriate tenant.

1. Select Tasks from the main menu

2. Select Add Task from task toolbar

3. Select as task type XML Script

Now the XML Script Task form group appears.

4. Select the ZIP file contains the XML scripts at XML Script ZIP file

In the case that the XML script is uploaded as ZIP file a combo box appears with all the XML files in the uploaded ZIP archive.

5. Select the XML Script file from the XML Script File Name drop down box

6. Select Submit to submit the task

Now the task to excute the XML script is scheduled and the task will start as soon as the task server picks up the task. Check the task log to for any failures in the script.