Support Portal

Import survey

Navigate to the Bathymetry datasource and to the tab Datasets. Click Add Dataset to open the dialog to enter metadata and to import the data file.

Enter "H11739_MB_2m_MLLW" as name of the new dataset. Select "Survey" as Dataset class. This is a subclass of GlPointDatasets. The dataset class defines the metadata attributes that have to be entered. After selection the metadata attributes of the Survey dataset class are added to the import dialog. Select "Catalog Point Driver" as driver. Select "Sounding" as Type class. This is a subclass of GlPoint. The type class defines the attributes of the point. Select "mm" as a high resolution and select a semi transparent red as color.


Enter rest of the attributes for survey "H11739_MB_2m_MLLW" as follows:


Now a new dialog opens to select the data file to import and to map the contents of the data file to the attributes of the sounding (the type class selected in the previous step). Select "ASCII XY - FORMAT" as import format type. Based on this selection a number of fields are added to the dialog. Select "XYZ format" as import format. This import format is a pre-defined format that was imported as part of the datasource and defines the source coordinate system (the coordinate system of the file to import) of the source file, the column separater, number of rows to skip at start, comment prefix, text qualifier and the mapping of columns in the input file to the x-coordinate, y-coordinate and the attribute(s) of the type class. Click Choose file and select file "" from the file system. The mapping is applied and a preview of the mapped file is shown:


Click Save to start the import. The file is uploaded to the server and the process to import the file into the database is started. A list with tasks is shown with the task status. Click on the Filter icon to refresh the task list to monitor the task progress. The task is successfully completed when the task status is "Finished". Clicking on the task name gives access to the task logging.

The procedure is followed to import the surveys "H12109_MB_2m_MLLW" and "H12111_MB_2m_MLLW" with different parameters. 

For survey "H12109_MB_2m_MLLW" use the following input parameters and "XYZ format" as import format:


For survey "H12111_MB_2m_MLLW" use the following input parameters and "XYZ format" as import format:


To check if all surveys have been imported correctly, select Datasets from main menu. The dialog to query datasets on dataset class and type class opens. Select "Sounding" as type class to query. The Sounding type class is a subclass of GlPoint. Click Search to execute the query. All surveys with type class Sounding are selected in shown in the result list. The footprints of the surveys are shown on the map. Notice the overlapping parts of the surveys.
