Support Portal

Add map

Create map definition

Enter a map name and create a map description.

It is possible to select Open Street Map (OSM)or BRT (a dutch base map for the Netherlands) as a base map layer. As the BRT uses RD (EPSG: 28992) and OSM uses a pseudo mercator projection (EPSG: 3857) the option for the coordinate system is fixed when selecting BRT or OSM. If not the coordinate system can be choosen by selecting a EPSG code. Remark: When a external WMTS maplayer  will be added as a map layer it is important to choose a coordinate system that is supported by the WMTS layer. 

It is possible to select another coordinate system for the display of the coordinates in the map than the coordinatesystem used for the map projection.

Selecting 'Authorised users can add WMS/WMTS layer' and/or 'Authorised users  can add sketch layer' enables end-users to add WM(T)S and sketch layers. These layers added to the map are then configurable and visible for each individual user.

Click Save to store the map definition. The dialog to add map layers appears.

Add layers to a map

To add a new map layer, click Add Map Layer. The Add Map Layer dialog appears. Enter the name and the description of the map layer and select a Map Layer Type from the picklist.

The following map layer type are supported:


Map layer Type Information
Feature map layer To add a feature layer, start with selecting the type class definition from the Type class picklist. All feature datasets based on the selected type class and derived type classes are shown in the Dataset class picklist. Select a feature dataset class from the picklist. Without additional querying, the map layer consists of all feature datasets that share the selected feature dataset class. By clicking on Add attribute, a picklist appears with the feature dataset attributes (metadata attributes), by selecting an attribute and adding search criteria the selected feature datasets can be filtered. The picklist with styles is populated based on the selected feature type class. The last step in adding a feature layer is the selecting of the SLD style.
Point  or raster map layer To add a point layer, start with selecting the type class definition from the Type class picklist. All point datasets based on the selected type class and derived type classes are shown in the Dataset class picklist. Select a point dataset class from the picklist. Without additional querying, the map layer consists of all point datasets that share the selected point dataset class. By clicking on Add atrtribute, a picklist appears with the point dataset attributes (metadata attributes), by selecting an attribute and adding search criteria the selected point datasets can be filtered. The picklist with attributes is populated based on the selected point type class. To define the color scale for dislaying the point layer, select an attribute from the attribute picklist. The pick list with available color scale is populated based on the selected attribute. The last step in adding a point layer is the selecting of the color scale.
WMS and WMTS To add WMS and WMTS layers, the service URL has to be entered. Click Save to save the URL. GeolinQ connects to the WMS or WMTS to get the capabilities document with the layers. the layers are shown in a picklist. Select a layer from the pick list as map layer.
Sketch Adding a  'Sketch' map layer offers end users to draw and add polygon, line, point and text objects in a map layer. . 

Press Save to store the map layer definition. The map layer is displayed on the map.