Support Portal


Create user

Everybody that is going to use GeolinQ must have a GeolinQ user account. To create a GeolinQ user account, navigate to the Users tab. The Users tab shows a list of all GeolinQ users. Click Add user to create a new GeolinQ user. The dialog to create a new GeolinQ user account appears. Enter the user name and description, select the user class (type of user) from the picklist. Depending on the user class selected additional user attributes may have to be entered. Enter the user's email address and check Enable to activate the user.

Add user to user group

A user has to be a member of one or more user groups to have permissions. Click on the User groups tab of the created user. Click on Add user group to make the user member of a user group. Select the user group from the user group picklist. It is possible to make a user member of more than one user group. The User groups tab shows a list of all the user groups of a user.

Authentication methods

User authentication is based a password. Click on the Authentication method tab of the created user. A dialog appears to enter the user's password. Enter the password twice and Save. Password is saved and user can login with new password.