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The authorisation structure of GeolinQ provides the permissions for users to access data, but permissions to edit data or to edit the data structures. The authorisation structure also provides administrative permissions like user management, licence management and task management.


Users are created in a GeolinQ tenant by the administrator with user management permissions. Additional information about the user may be recorded by extending the user class definition with additional attirbutes.


Users are assigned to usergroups and permissies are assigned to usergroups. Users derive their permissions from usergroup membership.


Permissions or access rights are assigned to users globally. These global permissions apply on datasources in the GeolinQ tenant. GeolinQ supports the following global permissions:

Permission Description
Create datasource Create a new datasource
Access all datasources Access to all datasources and the data stored in the datasets
Remove datasource Removal of a datasource
Edit data structures Edit data structures in all datasources
Edit data Edit datasets in all datasources
Edit map Edit maps in all datasources
Manage users Administration of users, usergroups en grant permissions
Manage tenants Manage tenants (create and remove)
Edit license Upload a license for a tenant
Manage tasks Administrative task management voor all users and task servers

GeolinQ also allows to assign specific permissions to a datasource for an usergroup. A datasource supports the following additional permission:

Datasource permission Description
Edit class definition Edit class definitions including create, edit and remove attributes
Edit dataset Create new datasets and remove datasets. Import, add, edit and remove data from a dataset.